Sunday 25 August 2013

Review: Soleil Tan De Chanel ☼

First of all, this CHANEL 'bronzing makeup base' is more on the pricey side since you pay about 40€ for 30g (1 oz.). 

When i saw the packaging, I immediately fell in love. It's simple, sleek and just looks luxurious. I really love the screw cap because it's going to prevent the product from drying out. The 'Made In France'-product has a really light and clean smell, almost like a moisturizer. On the other hand, it only exists in one shade, which looks kinda orangey. Furthermore, it has really fine glitter to it. In addition, i first found there was a really small amount of product in the pot.

The product has a creamy, thick texture. It is not really soft, so that you probably won't end up with too much product on your brush. This product will last you really long because a little goes a long way. It blends really nicely into the skin and feels really soft once applied. Besides, it leaves a healthy glowing and natural looking finish, which doesn't look greasy or shiny at all. It's not shimmery either, your skin will just appear nice and sunkissed. 

It first took me some time to figure which brush to use. At the moment, a small duo fibre brush works best for me (I use the 130 short duo fibre brush from MAC). 
I use it as a base for my bronzer/contour. I apply a small amount, work it into my skin and apply some pressed bronzing powder over it. Nevertheless, i only do this routine in summer because my skin needs to be tanned (otherwise the colour of the product is a little too dark/orangey). 

This bronzing base from CHANEL is a treat. It's pricey but it's totally worth it in my opinion. The only disadvantage is that I can only use it in summer. I'm a typical central european type of girl, but if you're a darker skin type, this bronzer will be perfect all year long. 
I personally think that it's even worth buying only for summer, since I don't need a base in winter. In summer, I use it every day to prevent my bronzer from sweating off my face. It really holds my bronzer in place and easily makes it last an 8-hour-working day.
I'm really in love with the product and will certainly use it during the following summers as well.

What do you think about the 'Soleil Tan De Chanel'? Is it worth the money?

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